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A bustling indoor marketplace featuring various stalls with colorful goods and fresh produce. People are interacting and shopping, with some seated and others walking around. The spacious area is lit by natural light filtering through a high, exposed ceiling.
A bustling indoor marketplace featuring various stalls with colorful goods and fresh produce. People are interacting and shopping, with some seated and others walking around. The spacious area is lit by natural light filtering through a high, exposed ceiling.


M&C Market es un emprendimiento 100% digital. Nuestra sede de logística se encuentra en el municipio de Turbaco, Bolívar, Colombia, donde ofrecemos donde ofrecemos asistencia pre- y post-venta a nuestros clientes.


Urbanizacion La Cruz, Cll 17 #23


Lunes a Viernes 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.